Individuals across the globe are impacted by the work of instructional designers every day—though many don’t even know it. Anyone who has ever been taught in a classroom, watched a workplace instruction video, taken a driver’s education course online, or participated in any kind of professional training, has, in fact, been exposed to instructional design.

But what exactly does the work of an instructional designer entail? Read on for an in-depth look at the key responsibilities and skill sets of these professionals, and learn how you can kickstart your career in this field today.

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What is Instructional Design?

Instructional design involves creating learning content based on the unique needs of a specific audience or topic.

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Why Instructional Designing?

Instructional Designers create learning experiences. They tend to enjoy a high job satisfaction, earn above-average salaries, and enjoy good work-life balance.


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What Do I Need to Know?

Designers develop a firm understanding of how instruction can be used to strategically address a training situation.

Upskilling Our Own

HTI is rapidly expanding. One of its chief strategies is the buildout of its newly designed Learning Management System (LMS). In order to accomplish this, it will take hundreds of designed courses to create a robust course catalog. The primary enablers are Instructional Designers.
Our goal is to train and grow a dedicated workforce of (5-10) Instructional Designers. Independent and skilled sub-contractors will act as a primary HTI workforce for content creation.

  • English speaking or bilingual
  • Eager to learn and technically grow
  • A coherent and well-organized writer; business or script writing preferred
  • Highly motivated and disciplined in their actions, commitments and use of time
  • A strong independent learner who is driven to succeed and works well on their own.
  • A proactive worker, who seeks to be an independent earner 
  • Technically proficient in Windows OS. However, Mac iOS proficiency is suitable for the training 
  • Must have access to a high-speed Internet connection 
  • Someone who uses Microsoft Windows (versions 10) and Microsoft Office (versions 2010 or higher) or Adobe programs (Photoshop, Acrobat, etc.) or Google Docs Suite
  • Proficient or knowledgeable in at least 3 of the following skillsets: technical or scriptwriting, graphic design, web design, video/audio editing, gaming design, HTML 5 programming, training, teaching, coaching or facilitation, program design
  • Uses at least one video conferencing program (Skype, Meet, Web-ex, ZOOM etc.)
  • Must have a dedicated workspace & desk within their place of residence
  • Must have access to a fairly modern Mac or PC, use of dual screens with a (min. 25 mbp) internet connection
  • There will be no travel required, all training is remotely done
  • Must be available for a weekly 2-hour team class scheduled to meet evenings in the Eastern time zone.
  • Must accept the responsibility to maintain time for independent research and projects (min. 4 hrs. per wk.) 
  • Be able to perform all functions and processes
  • All work performed remotely via the Internet
  • Be willing to work on HTI internal courses for 1 yr. after training completion
  • Work on external contracted projects as a paid subcontractor
  • An HTI Certificate of Completion 
  • All instructions, study material and software tools
  • Guided independent study 
  • Facilitation training
  • Home office technical support provided 
  • Structured and relevant work processes used 
  • Guidance thru the subcontractor process 
  • Subcontracting opportunities upon completion of training
  • Practical work experience with completed work portfolio 
  • Top corporate level skills training with no debt residual

We are offering the Instructional Designer skills training to a select few, over a 12 month period of time. The training is a combination of:

  • remote instructor-led (2-hours weekly)
  • assigned self-directed training (approx. 4 hours per week)
  • required project completions 

In exchange for the training received, the subcontractors will work together to create an agreed upon number of HTI internal courses over a year’s period of time. During and after the first year internal commitment, subcontractors will additionally be offered paid opportunities for any HTI external course content developed.

The training also includes support in establishing your subcontracting business, as well as, ongoing contracting opportunities. In addition, both internal and external course samples that are approved by HTI can be used by the sub-contractor to build their personal portfolio of work, which will establish their work referral record and skill levels.

The courses created will belong to HTI and collaborating partners, but the skills are the subcontractors to retain and use as they please. It is our hope that our commitment to each other will be for the long term!

The Training Curriculum

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The courses are all video presentations from the training library. They cover a wide expanse of topics that range from theory to practice. Only registered HTI users will have privileged access to this library during the training.

The Learning Commitment

”Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal—a commitment to excellence—that will enable you to attain the success you seek.”

What will distinguish our curriculum from others, is the incorporation of community building and shared reflection in both synchronous and asynchronous shared components. Due to the complex theories and skills needed to become an experienced Instructional Designer, the projected project timeline is a little over a year. The timeline is comprised of 5 phases as outlined below. 

Learning Commitment by Phase:

  • Phase 1-2  Approximately 6 – 8 hours per week
  • Phase 3-4 courses may require 10 or more hours per week
  • Phase 5 work time for training projects may require multiple weeks to complete

All training and projects are done remotely. Only the two-hour weekly meeting is a set time. Everything else is done independently.

Our Enrollment Process

Enroll in 4 steps. 

  1. Review this webpage for relevant information.
  2. Complete the enrollment questionnaire.
  3. Participate in a virtual interview (if selected).
  4. If offered a seat, attend the orientation and complete the enrollment paperwork.

Note: We are only extending the offer for training to a limited number of highly motivated learners who are ready to commit to the conditions of the training curriculum. Beyond this initial offering, we anticipate a yearly recruitment effort aligned to our projected growth.